Genesis 1

I do believe in the Big Bang. I trust the scientists who speak about it. But I also know that it was possibly not that big. Nor was it really a bang. But it’s important we say it and mull over what we say. This is how we make sense of the world.

Which is why I love Genesis 1. I like saying it. I love the rhythms that it gives.

And God said..
And God said…
And God said…
And God said..
And God said…
And God said…

each one rounded off with a

And there was evening and there was morning
And there was evening and there was morning
And there was evening and there was morning
And there was evening and there was morning
And there was evening and there was morning
And there was evening and there was morning

God’s speech does things. He’s sounding things out. The Spirit hovering over the chaos is how his sound moves and does things.

And what further sounds are made…

The waters
The birds
The creatures

And God who through his sound makes things, speaks to that which came from his sound.

sound upon sound

‘Be…’ he says.

They already are but he speaks blessing over them in all that they could be. And it is.

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