Gen 6 – 10

Sound overflows. It is difficult to contain. Like The Flood. The Flood is something that literally overflows. Literarily overflows. It has flowed into different traditions; Mesopotamian, Hebrew and Hindu. As sea levels increase on our planet the Flood Story is around us as a human race.

all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened

The sound of water channelled through brooks, rivers and lakes is comforting.
The noise of uncontrolled water and storm takes us back to the original chaos.

The breath which carried God’s sound hovered over the chaos at the beginning.
The dove at first comes back but then flies away and doesn’t come back.
A closed space gives an echo. An open one lets the sound out.

And God says

never again
never again
never again
never again
never again

And the people?

Derision Curses and Division.