Lent 13 : Temptation 2. Religion

Following on from yesterday I look at what Jesus rejects next.

2. Jesus rejects the power of religion

Jesus’ next temptation takes him to the top of the temple where he is to jump off. He is to expect the angels to protect him from harm. Religion attempts to comfort people with a slot machine God. All religious establishments claim that certain actions will set them right with God preventing his anger and unleashing his blessing. This God can be controlled according to the number of times we pray or by our visits to the temple, church or mosque. This God can be controlled by our offerings of money, talents and time. This God can be controlled if we ‘just believe.’

Jesus sees through this. ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’ God doesn’t work on formulas.

This piece has two pianos in it. The first piano represents religion; distorted and very constricted. The second piano represents God who is everywhere else playful and tuneful. Yet, in his amazing grace he meets us briefly in our religion to take us away from it.

3 thoughts on “Lent 13 : Temptation 2. Religion”

  1. Hi Sunil,

    A thought provoking and rich start to my day; got me musing again about God as improvisor: the blend of structure and unpredictability. With that thought in mind how will I reflect his image in me today?

    Don’t be tempted to give up.


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